The Hidden Potential of Gen X Leaders


The Hidden Potential of Generation X Leaders

Gen X leaders possess a unique blend of strengths and skills that should not be overlooked.

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Comparing Gen X Leaders with Millennials and Boomers

Who is the next generation of leaders? How will they impact the nature of work? As the largest generation in the workforce, Millennials are ascending into new leadership roles. But it’s Gen X leaders, or those born between 1965 and 1981, who hold most of these roles globally.

Gen X leaders have an average of 20 years of workplace experience. This primes them to take on nearly all top executive roles over the next decade. Yet, little has been known about what defines this generation’s leadership strengths and experiences.

How Gen X Leaders Take the Reins 

We found in Global Leadership Forecast 2018 that there are important distinctions about how this generation is taking the reins. Some of these findings challenge commonly-held generational stereotypes and assumptions, including whether the youngest in the workforce are the most impatient to lead. 

How are Gen X leaders different from their Millennial and Baby Boomer counterparts? How are they similar? Download the report to learn:

  • How do Gen Xers compare to Millennials when it comes to being digitally savvy?
  • How do Gen Xers compare to Millennials when it comes to empathy?
  • How many promotions do Gen Xers get compared to Millennial and Boomer leaders?

"There's been a lot of media attention focused on the differences between Baby Boomers and Millennials, but little is said about the critical bridge between them: Generation X." —Stephanie Neal, director of DDI's Center for Analytics and Behavioral Research (CABER) and author of the report.

The Hidden Potential of Generation X Leaders
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