Learn how they filled their candidates who could successfully transition into next-level roles, and the ability to begin building career paths.

Client Story

How Emory University Developed Transition-Ready Leaders

Learn how they filled their candidates who could successfully transition into next-level roles, and the ability to begin building career paths.

Read Time: 5 min

/ Resources / Client Stories / How Emory University Developed Transition-Ready Leaders

The Need

The university needed more qualified internal candidates for leadership positions when those positions became available.

The Solution

Development programs at multiple levels, incorporating DDI’s Frontline and Business Impact Leadership®, and the Leadership Mirror® 360 degree feedback tool.

The Result

Available pools of candidates who could successfully transition into next-level roles, and the ability to begin building career paths.

At Emory University, a leading research university located in Atlanta, Ga., there wasn’t always a pool of qualified internal candidates to fill open leadership positions.

To change that, it sought to implement a talent management strategy and build a leadership pipeline that would prepare leaders at multiple levels and individual contributors to successfully transition into next-level leadership roles when they became available.

In this video, Wanda Hayes discusses the challenges that came with not having enough qualified internal candidates, and how, level by level, Emory built the leadership pipeline it needed.

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