Choose Language

In a report focused on how we embrace diversity across many identities and practice inclusive behaviors in our cultures, we recognize that the language we use is important. In this report, we are focused on ensuring that the language we use accurately represents the data and how participants chose to represent their identity.

Gender Identity

Gender is not binary. In our data set, participants self-selected their gender, including an option to write in their preferred identity. Because the number of participants who chose options other than men or women was very small, we were not able to do an analysis of their results with any statistical validity.

As such, this report only breaks down gender in terms of men or women. While this data doesn’t represent the full spectrum of gender experiences at work, it offers valuable insights to help organizations continue to advance their DEI efforts.

Racial and Ethnic Identity

One of the strengths of a global study is that we sample from a broad range of races and ethnicities around the world. However, this also makes it difficult to identify specific racial and ethnic groups that are underrepresented on a global scale, as a minority group in one area may be the majority group in another part of the world.

Because our goal is to look at how organizations include people who do not represent the majority racial or ethnic group in their local area, we segment the data in this report based on those who self-select that they represent a minority racial or ethnic group among their peers at work. As a result, the term we use throughout this report is “minority” to represent anyone who does not identify as the majority racial or ethnic group at work.

Introduction The Great Diversity Departure


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